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2023 (6 posts)

  • Missing the Monster

    Two centuries ago, Mary Shelley published the most incredible indictment of the tech world mindset when she released her classic novel _Frankenstein_.

  • Working, Humanely

    The US system of wage labor and corporate person-hood means that work is bullshit and impermanent, but this week a few events made me reflect on how much possibility for other ways of working are still available.

  • If Only

    it's nice to know that the dream exists, you know? i sure would love if it were reality, but i'm a realist, I've learned not to hope too much, to assume that imagination can become reality. so i just dream about it, as a distraction. i will still do whatever is necessary to buy food. that's how it works right?

  • Surrounded by Growth

    Houseplants, growth, and the joy of living with other beings.

  • Metaphors for Machine Learning

    Interacting with ML tools can feel like magic. People with no illustration skills can suddenly have a computer generate images they want just by describing them. Writing large amounts of content is as simple as providing a sentence or two of instructions. But I can't stop wrestling with the question: how will individuals make sense of these new tools, which are powerful in science-fiction ways, but inaccurate in very confusing ways?

  • Shopping My Shelves

    What if I survey my bookshelves and build a reading list based on what I have?